Free presentation for Criminal Justice Personnel for agencies who want to utilize the FBI N-DEx System

Free presentation for Criminal Justice Personnel for agencies who want to utilize the FBI N-DEx System Dates:  Tuesday, August 29, 2017 and Wednesday, August 30, 2017 The Warren County Telecommunications Department/Warren County Public Safety Network in Lebanon, Ohio, and Centerville Police Department in Dayton, Ohio, in conjunction with the FBI N-DEx Program Office and RISS/MAGLOCLEN […]

ALERRT Active Shooter training – Train The Trainer

There is an additional class offering in Cincinnati starting on September 4th. This class is the instructor level course which is five-days.  The other two courses are two-days in length and are user-level. Please take a look at the attached fliers to select the appropriate course for you and your officers. 2017-0904 - Active Shooter […]

Cell Phone Investigations

Click on below link for full details Cell Phone Investigations The National Standard for Cell Phone Investigation, from Collection to Prosecution Host by:Hamilton Township Police Location:7780 South State Route 48 Hamilton Twp., OH Dates:09/11/2017 to 09/12/2017, 8am - 4pm Cost:$350.00, $375.00 or $395.00 (depending on registration date)Includes samples of search warrant templates, comprehensive guides, model […]

Crisis Intervention Team (C.I.T.) training and Mental Illness/Mental Health Response training

Over the past ten years the HCPA Training Committee has partnered with the Mental Health community to bring Crisis Intervention Team (C.I.T.) training and Mental Illness/Mental Health Response training to the greater law enforcement community in and around Hamilton County. We are proud to have been a part of certifying hundreds of police officers, dispatchers […]

Force Science Basic Course

The Cincinnati Police Department Training Unit is hosting a two day Force Science Basic Course on September 12-13, 2017. There are still seats available at a cost of $277 per person. This course is ideal for investigators and managers alike. A multitude of psychological, biological, and physiological factors influence behavior and memory in critical incidents.  […]

ICS 300: Intermediate ICS for Expanding Events

Anderson Center 7850 Five Mile Road, Cincinnati, OH, United States

The Hamilton County Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency is hosting a training course entitled ICS 300: Intermediate ICS for Expanding Events, on September 12-14, 2017 at the Anderson Center 7850 Five Mile Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45230. This training course is essential for those responsible for supervisory roles during expanding incidents, and has been designated […]

Honor Guard Training

Honor Guard Training is scheduled for the 2nd Thursday of each month. However, the dates, times, and locations are subject to change. Contact team members for confirmation.

Mental Health First Aid Training (Adult version)

Blue Ash Recreation Center 4433 Cooper Road, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Similar to ‘First Aid’ and CPR, ‘Mental Health First Aid’ teaches individuals how to help those experiencing mental health challenges or crises Click on below link for full details 2017-0914 - Mental Health First Aid Training

2017 September Social Meeting

Lakeside Lodge - Sharon Woods 4661 E Kemper Rd, Sharonville, Ohio

***** NOTE TIME AND DATE CHANGE ***** 6:00 PM Dinner 7:00 PM Meeting $10 Per Person for Dinner, Refreshments, Door Prizes Hosts: Hamilton County: Sheriff, Park Rangers, Coroner, Bailiffs, Prosecutors, Probation, Emergency Management Agency, Galls. Note: Meetings and hosts subject to change, check back just before the meeting to confirm information.