SPEAR System: Instructor Certification
The SPEAR SYSTEM™ is the world’s first and only behaviorally-based close quarter defensive tactics & personal defense program. It is based on science, psychology and human bio-mechanics. It uses hard-wired reflexes to enhance an officer’s ability to detect, intercept, and defend a sudden close quarter ambush. This system is not a martial art nor does it replace other defensive training systems. The SPEAR System provides a bridge between the sudden onset of an attack and the DT skills an officer already possesses, so the design will enhance any already existing program.
This Trainer Development Program allows agency instructors to introduce a full SOP / ROE into their agency’s ‘Use of Force’ model covering development of pre-assault awareness, Startle/Flinch Conversion Theory, Counter Ambush Policy Development, Close Quarter Tactics and scenario / drill development.
The new format for SPEAR 4.0 will enhance an officer’s ability to identify pre-contact cues, allowing for more incidents to be handled with less violence. This course will enable instructor graduates to increase the safety of the officers within their agency, regardless of the officers age, gender or size.
The new SPEAR 4.0 course has an improved focus on both the officer’s and the subject’s safety, thus, reducing liability. The new design also enhances decision-making and recall which will help officers better articulate use of force decisions so both the officer and agency are safer.