
HCPA Self Care Following a Significant Event

HCPA PSP Stress Reaction Poster

National Resources

Blue H.E.L.P.

Valor For Blue


The Public Saftey Cardiac Foundation




Quick List of Local Clinicians for First Responders

UC Stress Center– (513) 585-5872

Kate Chard, PhD

PinPoint Behavioral Health– (513) 520-2532

Alison Fienning, LISW-S

Sabrina Mignerey, LPCC

Critical Stress and Wellness Center– (859) 341-5782

Michael Reeser, PhD

Samantha Reeser, PhD

Birkley Consulting – Dr. Erica Birkley(513-447-3223)

Erica Birkley, PhD

Whole House Counseling and Consultation  (513-813-6415)

Cinnamon Reiheld LISW-S, LICDC, CCTP


Grief Support

Companions on a Journey Grief Support – (513) 870-9108

First Responder Retreats and Conferences 

First Responders’ Bridge

Frontline Freedom

Ohio Assist

Heroes on the Water

Save a Warrior

Treatment Facilities with First Responder Programs 


The Ridge Ohio


First Responder Wellness 

First Responder Fortitude 

Warriors Heart

Rosecrance Florian