Defensive Tactics Instructor

Scarlet Oaks Campus Comm Center 83 200 Scarlet Oaks Dr Comm Rm 802, Cincinnati, OH, United States

This 5-day, highly dynamic course is like no other because it provides useful defensive and countermeasure skills in all three zones of defense, especially for close quarter battles (CQB) and […]

Use Of Force Instructor

Scarlet Oaks Campus Comm Center 83 200 Scarlet Oaks Dr Comm Rm 802, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Recurring in both mainstream media outlets, as well as social media platforms, is the topic of police use-of-force. The Safariland Use-of-Force Instructor Course is the most comprehensive method for understanding […]

Monadnock Expandable Baton (MEB) Instructor Course

Scarlet Oaks Campus Comm Center 83 200 Scarlet Oaks Dr Comm Rm 802, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Using a comprehensive learning and dynamic hands-on curriculum, first responders will learn how to utilize a straight baton, which is one of the most useful less lethal technologies on the […]

OC Aerosol Instructor

Scarlet Oaks Campus Comm Center 83 200 Scarlet Oaks Dr Comm Rm 802, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Gain detailed information involved in the use of all types and forms of Oleoresin Capsicum aerosol projectors. This 8-hour course covers all aspects involved in the selection, preparation, deployment, storage, […]

2021 October Social Meeting

Livingston Lodge 9350 Given Road, Cincinnati, OH, United States

6:00 PM Kickoff 6:30 PM Dinner $10 Per Person for Dinner, Refreshments, Door Prizes Hosted by Hamilton County Police Association Note: Meetings and hosts subject to change, check back just […]

HCPA Shoot

Fairfield Sportsmen's Association 6501 River Rd, Harrison, OH, United States

HCPA Stock Semi-Auto / Revolver  Pistol Course of Fire All stages have a mandatory reload. Stage 1     3 yards          12 rounds     6 strong hand / 6 weak hand     25 […]

Less Lethal Instructor Program

Scarlet Oaks Campus Comm Center 83 200 Scarlet Oaks Dr Comm Rm 802, Cincinnati, OH, United States

The Less Lethal Instructor Program provides the necessary training for a changing world. This course is comprised for four 8-hour instructor-level classes covering OC Aerosols, Impact Munitions, Chemical Munitions and […]

Mental Health First Aid For Public Safety

Virtual Class

Mental Health First Aid USA is an 8-hour course that teaches a 5-step action plan encompassing the skills, resources, and knowledge to help an individual in crisis connect with appropriate […]

2021 November Social Meeting

Delhi Senior Center 647 Neeb Rd, Cincinnati, OH, United States

6:00 PM Kickoff 6:30 PM Dinner $10 Per Person for Dinner, Refreshments, Door Prizes Hosted by Hamilton County Police Association Note: Meetings and hosts subject to change, check back just […]

Mental Health First Aid For Public Safety

Great Oaks Public Safety Services 200 Scarlet Oaks Dr, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Mental Health First Aid USA is an 8-hour course that teaches a 5-step action plan encompassing the skills, resources, and knowledge to help an individual in crisis connect with appropriate […]

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