2 day Basic Police Photography Class and a 3 day Advanced Police Photography
Presented by the Cincinnati FBI Office
2 Day basic course: April 17th and 18th
3 Day Advanced: 19th thru 21st, 2017
Time: 09:00pm—5:00pm
This class is designed for Agents, Detectives, Professional staff, Crime Scene Investigators or anyone looking to get a better edge on their photographic skills. Class is designed for departments wishing to have a better understanding of their digital DSLR and how to get the most out of it. Topics that will be covered , but not limited too, basic principles, Camera settings, Police Photography, Crime scene photography and legal ramifications, Lighting and the difference between Macro and Micro photography with Latent prints. This class is very hands on, learn more by doing. You may sign up for either class or both classes for the full week, the advanced portion will further what is taught in the first 2 day course.
There is NO Cost to your Agency or Department
To Reserve A Seat Contact
Monique Mozee , Monique.Mozee@Ic.Fbi.Gov
Kris Cadieux, Kristin.Cadieux@Ic.Fbi.Gov
There Will Be Limited Class Size To 24
Click on below link for flyer