Drug Interdiction and Conducting Complete Traffic Stops
~~Training Opportunity – No Registration Fee
Drug Interdiction and Conducting Complete Traffic Stops
The Northeast Counterdrug Training Center (NCTC), the Middle Atlantic Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network (MAGLOCLEN), the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy and the US Attorney’s Office , Southern Indiana are co-hosting a two day training course on Jan 23rd and 24th at the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy located at 5402 Sugar Grove Rd, Plainfield, IN 46168. There is no registration fee for this training.
To view a complete description of this two day course, please go to www.counterdrug.org, click on the large icon on the right (Northeast Counterdrug Training Center), course registration, view and then courses.
To register for the course, please visit the Northeast Counterdrug Training Center’s website at www.counterdrug.org click on “Registration” under “Training”, click on “Click Here To Register for Courses”, scroll to find the training that you would like to register for, click on the training, scroll & click desired location & date, click on that, click “Select”, then click “Register”. Log in or if you are a new user create an account and register using the course dates.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Please forward this message to any criminal justice entities.
Alan A. Hayes
513-317-0721 ahayes@magloclen.riss.net