ICS-300 Intermediate ICS for Expanding Events
Provided by Ohio Emergency Management Agency
Hosted by Hamilton County EMA
May 15-17, 2017
Course Description:
This 18-hour classroom course is designed for front-line personnel with supervisory responsibilities, such as the Incident Commander or Planning Section Chief. The three-day curriculum includes instruction in general principles associated with incident command, along with various tabletop exercises that allow students to put this knowledge to practical use
Course Dates: May 15-17, 2017
(One-hour lunch)
Application deadline: May 8, 2017
Course Registration Time: 7:30 to 8:00 AM (Day 1)
Time of Course: 0800-–1600 (Day 1 & 2)
0800—1200 (Day 3)
Training Location: Montgomery Police Department
10150 Montgomery Rd
Montgomery, Ohio 45242
Click on below attachment for full details and flyer