Jurisdictional Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA)
Date: July 25-26, 2017
8 a.m.—5 p.m.
Location: Symmes Township Public Safety Building
8871 Weekly Lane, Cincinnati, OH45249
Course Description: This TEEX– delivered course will prepare participants to con-duct a Jurisdictional Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA). Participants will identify threats and hazards of jurisdictional concern, give those threats and hazards context, establish capability targets, and deter-mine how to apply the THIRA results.
By using the THIRA process, stakeholders will develop a strategy to allocate re-sources and establish mitigation and preparedness activities. THIRA-informed planning is consistent with and expands on nationally accepted emergency man-agement standards as the basis for planning across the mission areas of preven-tion, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery.
Target Audience: Law Enforcement, Fire, HazMat, Emergency management, public works, health care, public health, public safety, elected officials.
Register Online TODAY! To register for this course, please visit:
Contact Emily Lakamp, Emily.Lakamp@hamilton-co.org for registration assistance.
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