MADD Ohio Death Notification Training
Delivering the News With Compassion
Sgt. Brooke Wilson comes to us from the Columbus Division of Police, where he supervises the Accident Investigation Unit. He will be presenting the Death Notification Training on behalf of the Ohio State Office of Mothers Against Drunk Driving.
Most people who have suffered the sudden loss of a loved one are haunted by the trauma of being notified. While there is no easy way to impart bad news, there are helpful techniques for delivering news that can be both beneficial to the survivor and messenger.
You will leave this seminar with a greater understanding of the needs of bereaved individuals and appreciate the complexities of your role as a notifier.
Seminar Content
Who Should Notify?
Stress and the Notifier
Attitude for Delivery
Trauma Recovery
Assessing Your Schemas
Coping Strategies Following Sudden Death
Grief versus Mourning
Crime Victim Compensation
Viewing the Body
Viewing of Photos or Videos
Factors Which Influence Survivors Stress
Practices for Proper Death Notification
“This publication was supported by a Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) and State Victim Assistant Act (SVAA) grant award administered by the Ohio Attorney General’s Office. Victims of federal crimes will be served.”
Cincinnati Area Seminar Location
Other locations available, see flyer for full list.
Friday-April 28, 2017 – 10:00 am-3:30 pm
Blue Ash Recreation Center – Lower Level
4433 Cooper Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45242
Click on below attachment for full flyer and other locations