Model-Netics Course Comprehensive Management Training & Development
Course Description: Model-Netics is a comprehensive management training and development program. It literally means “models in action.” The Basic Course in Model-Netics is composed of 151 management models that function as guides to thought and action.
Target Audience: Model-Netics was originally designed primarily for management and supervisory personnel. However, in today’s highly competitive environment, personnel throughout the organiza-tion need to understand management concepts and practices and a common understanding of how organizations work.
This program is 5 days according to the schedule below.
Students will have classwork to be completed on the days in between classes.
Dates: September 25, 27, 29 and October 10 &12
(five days plus outside the classroom work)
Location: Cincinnati Police Department — TrainingAcademy
800 Evans St.
Cincinnati, OH45204
Cost: $600.00
Registration and questions should be directed to:
Mr. Gene Ferrara, President
Ferrara and Associates, Inc.
4835 ForestMeadows Ct
Cincinnati, Ohio45244
Desk phone – 513-528-2776
Cell phone – 513-703-6004
Click on below attachment for full flyer and details.