Non-Escalation, De-Escalation and Crisis Intervention for Contact Professionals (Verbal Defense & Influence) 8-Hour Basic User
In response to the call for de-escalation training for all of law enforcement officers from both President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing and Ohio Governor Kasich’s Task Force on Community-Police Relations, there are now two classes being offered in the SW Ohio area (Cincinnati) this coming spring.
The University of Cincinnati Police Department will host Vistelar’s “Non-Escalation, De-Escalation and Crisis Intervention for Contact Professionals (Verbal Defense & Influence) 8-Hour Basic User” course at the main campus on March 17th from 0800-1700 hrs. The location on campus is: Dyer Hall Room #160, 2160 McMicken Circle, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45219.
UC Police Department is offering this important one-day training session in conjunction with the four-day instructor course being held at the University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College May 9-10-11-12, 2017. These courses will cover a broad spectrum of material on de-escalating confrontation by teaching non-verbal and verbal communication skills and non-physical conflict resolution techniques while preserving critical officer safety and physical skills (“continuum of options”). Both the one-day user course and the four-day instructor courses are being taught by well-respected and world-renowned Vistelar instructors.
Please visit to learn more about “de-escalation” training for law enforcement and the programs they offer.
For the one-day course at UC Main Campus click here:
For the instructor four-day course at UC Blue Ash College click here: .
For specifics on the one-day course March 17th you may contact Lt. Rob Gutierrez at the University of Cincinnati Police Department, (513) 556-4953.