Trauma Response to Sexual Assault Investigation and Prosecution
The Ohio Attorney General’s (OAG) Crime Victim Services is offering a free training on the Trauma Response to Sexual Assault Investigation and Prosecution. This course is provided by the OAG’s Interpersonal Violence Response Training team on November 1-2, 2017 at the Wood County Hospital, Bowling Green, 43402. You can register for the course at the following link Training registration link. This course is limited to 40 participants so law enforcement and prosecutors will be given priority seating.
The training is from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. both days. If you feel you are unable to attend the course in its entirety both days please consider registering for our 2018 class.
The goal of the training program is to strengthen the capacity of law enforcement and prosecutors to provide an effective response to victims of sexual assault from initial report through prosecution. At the completion of this training, participants will be able to:
- Describe how specific experiences impact victims of trauma memory, reactions and behavior, and how officer interpretation of this behavior impacts sexual assault investigations.
- Identifiy the role of the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (or RN) in gathering information for your investigation and prosecution.
- Explain how key decisions made by law enforcement impact the progression of a sexual assault investigation.
- Recognize that victim disclosure often occurs in pieces over time and identify strategies for working with victims to facilitate trust and communication.
- Conduct victim interviews and document sexual assault cases utilizing physical, psychological, and sensory evidence to effectively build a strong case.
- Provide prosecutors with a lens into the investigative process and how to communicate evidentiary expectations to law enforcement and trial strategies.
CLEs have been applied for and are awaiting approval.
If you have any questions about the course or registration please contact Sandy Huntzinger at 614-466-4797 or email
Sandy Huntzinger
Victim Service Coordinator
Crime Victim Section
Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine
30 E. Broad St., 23rd Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: 614-466-4797
FAX: 866-789-6970