Use Of Force Instructor
Recurring in both mainstream media outlets, as well as social media
platforms, is the topic of police use-of-force. The Safariland Use-of-Force
Instructor Course is the most comprehensive method for understanding
and teaching use-of-force. This training will familiarize attendees with the
pertinent Use-of-Force case law and demonstrates how it relates to policy,
training and actual “street” applications. Along with learning the skills to
teach use-of-force, participants will be shown how to assist in use-of-force policy writing and/or review force-related report writing and assist
agencies in defending use-of-force cases in the courtroom.
This course incorporates lecture, video and classroom discussion into
the training. The curriculum focuses on Graham vs. Connor and utilizes
additional recent court cases to gain better understanding of what officers
are allowed to do based on the actions of the subject. The instructors have
designed this course to create the most comprehensive look at police
This course will examine:
• How did the Graham vs. Connor Supreme Court decision assist law enforcement?
• Use-of-Force Model: Is it still a useful teaching tool?
• What can we do to make Use-of-Force training truly beneficial for
our officers?
• What can we do to make our officers SAFER using the proper
teaching tools and tactics?
• What does it take to become a Use-of-Force expert?
This course is taught by cops who understand Police Use-of-Force and
have been recognized as subject matter experts. They have taught, utilized
and testified at all force-related levels and will prepare attendees to be
their department Use-of-Force “EXPERT.” Attendees will:
• Receive a thorough understanding of “Graham vs. Connors”
• Learn to teach officers how to “recognize increases in risk”
• Be the one to prepare your officers to “win” every arrest encounter
and be able to justify the “reasonable” force used
The Safariland™ Training Academy trains only sworn law-enforcement officers, correctional personnel, state-licensed security personnel (OC only), or active military personnel.